TAX RELIEFS – donations to scientific research

Any contribution made to C.O.ME. COLLABORATION ONLUS by a legal entity is fully deductible from the income tax (deducted from the amount of taxable income). . Read below to find out more(*)



1. Help us to shorten the number of days that premature or disabled children have to spend in hospital
2. Help us to ensure that post-hospital care is enhanced
3. Help us to make better treatments available to all families
4. We want families and society to be aware of the importance of the assistance that can be provided to prematures and teenagers.

The benefits of osteopathic care have been scientifically recognized,, and we believe that it is time to integrate them into conventional medicine.

Why is the RAISE research project unique in the world?

1. Because it is, in fact, research. It therefore produces measured and measurable results that are shared within the international scientific community (link)
2. Because it pursues the objectives of WHO for 2035 (improvement of quality of life in premature children).
3. Because it is not aprioristically defined but holds hands with the little ones and their parents and does not abandon them.


To join the RAISERS all you have to do is sign up for C.O.ME. Collaboration ONLUS Foundation and then express your interest in this research project.


RAISE aims to offer support and resources for the important process of integration and enhancement of all potentials of premature or disabled children. It strives to provide the benefits of osteopathy and of a multidisciplinary approach to a growing number of patients.

Help is needed to better achieve this result SUPPORT ONE OF THE RAISE PROJECTS:

SUPPORT RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN OSTEOPATHY: we administer the “affective touch” and can teach it to volunteers, so that they can help premature babies during their stay in hospital in the Neonatal Intensive Therapy Units
EXPAND AWARENESS IN FAMILIES: we can support families with tutorship and in the management of daily life, in collaboration with volunteers
EXPAND AWARENESS IN PEDIATRICIANS AND FAMILY DOCTORS: we can create a virtuous circle of information and communications about the healing function of “touch”
EXTEND THE NETWORK OF HOSPITALS AND ASSOCIATIONS where we can offer treatments: we work to measure and document the clinical and social effects of these projects

Professionalism, interdisciplinary collaboration, specialization and global diffusion characterize the working strategy of RAISE, and are unique features that will allow the project to become a reference for families, foundations and patient associations..

For any further information please contact:


(*) As concerns tax benefits for contributors to scientific research, there is an “ad hoc” regulation for the Foundation such as C.O.ME. COLLABORATION ONLUS with legal status acquired through the recognition obtained by registration in the list of legal entities established at the Prefectures (Italian Presidential Decree No. 361/2000) and conducting or promoting scientific research activities as a statutory purpose.
If the Foundation receives donations from a company or other legal entities to fund scientific research, the following law article applies.
Article 1, paragraph 353, of the 2006 Italian Financial Law, provides that the companies and other IRES (corporate income tax) taxpayers may wholly deduct from their income any funds transferred for research funding, as a contribution or donation, in favor, inter alia, of foundations and associations regularly recognized, having the development or the promotion of scientific research activities as a statutory purpose, as identified by the DPCM.